Korean Cheese Garlic Bread - Mencari resep yang mangkus tapi selalu jempolan untuk keluarga? seterusnya ialah opsi resep jempolan untukmu. mari, anda coba! It looks so good that I knew I had to recreate it the I decided to make the bread from scratch instead of getting off shelves so it could look as authentic as how the Koreans are selling. Today I am making an easy recipe for a popular Korean street food trend. This Korean cream cheese garlic bread is so good and easy to make at home.

Korean Cheese Garlic Bread Cheese garlic bread recipe with step by step photos - easy to make quick and tasty cheesy garlic bread. Buttery bread, spread with garlic, two melted cheeses, zesty spices, drizzled with olive oil, and broiled to a crispy perfection. The best garlic bread I have ever tasted!!!! amazing buttery garlicky cheesy.there's nothing like it anywhere I will be making this over and over again!!! Kamu bisa memasak Korean Cheese Garlic Bread menggunakan 21 bahan dan 5 langkah. Begini caranya.

Bahan-bahan buat Korean Cheese Garlic Bread

  1. Siapkan Bahan roti :.
  2. Siapkan 260 gr tepung protein tinggi.
  3. Siapkan 15 gr gula pasir.
  4. Siapkan 3 gr ragi.
  5. Bunda butuh 1 telur + susu (total 180ml).
  6. Bunda butuh 30 gr margarin.
  7. Bunda butuh sejumput Garam.
  8. Siapkan Bahan cream cheese homemade :.
  9. Siapkan 170 gr keju cheddar parut.
  10. Siapkan 125 ml susu.
  11. Siapkan 1 sdt maizena.
  12. Bunda butuh Bahan filling :.
  13. Siapkan Cream cheese yang sudah jadi suhu ruang.
  14. Kamu butuh 2 sdm madu.
  15. Kamu butuh 2 sdm susu cair.
  16. Anda butuh Bahan rendaman :.
  17. Bunda butuh 100 gr mentega cair.
  18. Siapkan 1 telur.
  19. Bunda butuh 3 bawang putih halus.
  20. Kamu butuh 1 sdt garam.
  21. Kamu butuh 1 sdt parsley kering.

Quick Cheesy Garlic Bread is like the world's easiest and therefore BEST grilled cheese! This Cheesy Garlic Bread has been pictured repeatedly on my website since the beginning of time. I want to tell you that's because I'm so addicted to it. Repeat with remaining butter, garlic, and bread.

Langkah-langkah buat Korean Cheese Garlic Bread

  1. Buat rotinya. Campur ragi, gula pasir dan sedikit susu dalam gelas aduk rata biarkan mengembang. Campur tepung, telur dan susu. Masukkan larutan ragi. Uleni setengah kalis. Masukkan margarin dan garam uleni hingga kalis. Tutup biarkan mengembang 2x lipat. Ambil adonan uleni sebentar. Timbang adonan per 50gr. Jadi 9 buah. Bentuk bulat taruh atas loyang istirahatkan selama 30 menit. Kemudian panggang suhu 180° selama 20 menit. Dinginkan..
  2. Buat cream cheese homemade. Masukkan keju parut dan susu dalam panci. Cairkan dengan cara di tim hingga lumer. Kemudian masukkan larutan maizena agar kental. Dinginkan..
  3. Buat filling. Campurkan cream cheese, madu dan susu. Aduk rata. Masukkan dalam plastik segitiga..
  4. Bikin rendaman. Campur semua bahan. Aduk rata..
  5. Ambil roti. Iris menjadi 6 bagian jangan sampai putus. Isi tiap keratan dengan bahan filling. Taruh atas loyang kemudian lumuri dengan bahan rendaman. Beri sedikit filling di bagian atas roti. Panggang suhu 180° selama 20 menit..

Baca Juga Resep Lainnya di : Aneka Resep Masakan

You MUST use really high quality bread from your local artisan bakery or this recipe will be ruined. Ditch the frozen stuff and make this incredibly easy semi-homemade garlic bread instead! Plus, add some mozzarella to make it extra cheesy! Korean Garlic Cheese Bread (Gojek/Grab Only). Harga Korean Garlic Cheese Bom Bread. - Mudah sekali kan bikin Korean Cheese Garlic Bread ini? Selamat mencoba.